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Date: Saturday, November 23rd
12:00-1:00 PM
Description: Ebb and Flow with Metro and Oxygen Yoga! We want you to live your best and healthiest lifestyle, so we partnered with Oxygen Yoga (126-171 E Liberty St) to provide this FREE Hot Freedom Flow yoga class from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Oxygen offers state of the art FAR Infrared technology that raises the body’s core temperature in a natural, comfortable way without blowing dry air or humidity. The warm balmy temperature wraps around you as you prepare for the most powerful, moving, body-changing workout you’ve ever experienced.
Register at www.metrooxygenyoga.eventbrite.com
Date: Saturday, December 7th
12:00-1:00 PM
Description: Ebb and Flow with Metro and Oxygen Yoga! We want you to live your best and healthiest lifestyle, so we partnered with Oxygen Yoga (126-171 E Liberty St) to provide this FREE Hot Freedom Flow yoga class from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Oxygen offers state of the art FAR Infrared technology that raises the body’s core temperature in a natural, comfortable way without blowing dry air or humidity. The warm balmy temperature wraps around you as you prepare for the most powerful, moving, body-changing workout you’ve ever experienced.